Dessins à colorier

Aide Westieti
Magasin Westieti

Communique avec nous
Les livres

Raconteuse d'histoires



About the Author

My name is Suzanne Glandon, from Ottawa, Ontario, in Canada.

I think that everyone has a purpose in life. We were all put on this earth for a special reason.

Everything in my life was not going the way I wanted it. So, I decided to go to my cottage by the lake in the middle of the winter to do some soul searching. I was alone with my beloved dog, Westieti.

One evening I prayed and asked God and my angels to help me achieve my true purpose in life. That evening, while laying in bed, stories were coming to my mind. By the time I got up in the morning, I had 8 written stories.

That day, the adventures of Westieti were created. I then realized that God had inspired me to write children’s stories based on my childhood, and with my dog as the main character, the stories are full of suspense, action and written with my heart and soul.
Sometimes when I write a story and I find there is something missing, that night a say a special prayer for God to guide me and help me create a better story to bring smiles on the faces of children around the world.

I did not know how to name the dog. I do volunteer work at school so I asked a teacher if the children could help me create a name for the dog. Westieti was created by Alex Tessier, age 7 and the students of the first grade of Mrs. Martine Périat at the Public Elementary School of Franco-jeunesse in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. My puppy is now called Westieti in real life.

Also, all my books will have a special purpose to help children. 10% of the royalties will be donated to organizations that will help with research for curing children’s diseases, others will help needy children and make their dreams come true.

These stories are for children 5 years of age and up and always have a good ending. They are not too long so parents don’t have to spend too much time reading stories after a busy day at work.

I also have had a good response with people up to age 75.

Most of the stories are based on true events.


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